6 Tips on how to look Better in photos by Nigel Barker

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 02 Januari 2014 0 komentar
Here are some must-know tips on how to look Better in photos, shared by celebrity photographer Nigel Barker. Who else would you want to know such tips other than famous photographer?

Nigel Barker is a world-famous celebrity photographer. He has been a photographer on "America's Next Top Model" and is now hosting the show "The Face".

Barker says, anyone can be photogenic.

So here, without any further delay, here goes Nigel Barker's 6 tips on how to look better in photos:

1. For the Perfect Portrait, Loosen Up - feel comfortable while your photo is being taken

2. Think of Your Favorite Party Song - using the right music, people can be in a happy mood while being photographed.

3. If You're a Lady, Put a Hand on Your Hip - one hand on the hip makes the arm less big, then let the other one fall. This way you create a silhouette.

4. If You're a Guy, Cross Your Arms - this position give a little more bulk. Arms pushed up against the body is guaranteed to make your muscle look big.

5. Before Group Shots, Move Around - spontaneity is the key here. Barker advises to not to just stay put while your photographer takes time to take a shot. Move around while waiting for the camera.

6. Do 'The Smize' - this is actually what Tyra Banks and it's called Smize, which means you smile with your eyes.

Barker gives a tip on how to do the tip #6.
Do you know how to do that? Look at the camera, think of something rather delicious, in your mouth, melting.
Judul: 6 Tips on how to look Better in photos by Nigel Barker
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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